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The Grinch of the River


Mentor: None

Apprentice: None

Mate: He loved once and I think that's all he can take.

Kits: None, perhaps adopting in the future? Maybe.

Activity: Active

Where is he now?: Getting mentally ready for the raid on SHC.

Horoscope: Gemini

Symbol: Oak Leaf

Favorite Color: Honey-brown

Things They Love: Peace, food, sleep

Phobias: Musophobia

Scars, Deformity: laced with rat scars and fights from cats.

Disorder: None

Fears: Love, trust, being dependent on others.

Theme song: Labrinth-Jealous

Voice: Labrinth

Quote:  "If I ever see those rats you call warriors again, I can't promise they will come back to you in one piece."- At Icestar.

Name: Snowflake | Greenfur

Bio: This warrior is a large white tom laced with rat bite scars and claw markings. His pelt is a mess with grass stains and other questionable markings on his fur. Lastly, his eyes are beautifully green, despite the messy appearance making him look older he is still handsome in the face. Going back to his upbringing, the tom was born by a gorgeous kittypet named Lou, she only birthed one kit who she named Snowflake because of his perfect white fur. Lou raised him up to be clean, proper and pampered housecat so that he'd have a suitable twolegs of his own. She mentioned to him many times that looking perfect is everything and how the city is tainted with bad cats who have no home due to their attitudes and shabby looks. It scared him at first but a neighboring tom cat told him stories of how cool the city life is and his adventures in the mysterious forest. Snowflake was intrigued and with the encouraging tom egging him on to take a stroll- he did so. And it was the biggest mistake of his life. Awed at first by tons of humans walking in every direction, new scents flooded into his nose and strange food that watered the kit's mouth- everything was fasinating. But, taking a step on a busy twoleg path he'd expect them to stop. No. They accidently kicked him, skidding into a congested monster road that made him lose all senses. Snowflake was terrified and tried to find his way back home. To make it short, he couldn't find his way back to Lou. An unfortunate confrontation with alley cats took a turn for the worse as he was used as a 'cat-bait' to search for scraps in dangerous areas. It was a messy job, his fur no longer was white. He saw it as the streets already tainted him, unable to find a home and no longer able to meet his mother again. The white kit got use to being used as a tool working for the next city cat and one day around night, sleeping near the trash cans a bunch of rats swarmed him in a raid. Yowling, screaming for help no cat or human came only loud barks of a dog scared them and the white kit off. Bloody, traumatized, he slept with infected wounds and fought of fevers. Alone again, he stumbled into familiar grounds of a twoleg home. It was his home! The sweet, floral scent swarmed him and the color flowers decorated around. His mind ran rampant of how his mother will cry with happiness and can return back to his old life. He leapt on top of the white fence, quickly spotting her and the neighbor tom-cat. In that instant, his smile turned frowning, anger rising yet his mouth stayed glued shut. Lou and the tom paraded around with new kits, a new life. She no longer needed him. There's no way he's wanted now thus turning tail to venture out alone in the world. The city turned him bitter, cold and very lonely. He upset the wrong cat that made him a target in the streets so he ran off into the woods where no cat can find him. Who would've thought that he'd stumble into more of them? Whom they call themselves, 'Riverclan'. The koo-koo forest cats didn't kill him off like he'd hope to end the endless misery. Instead, they renamed him 'Greenfur' and as punishment, must talk and walk like a clan cat. A few moons, he kind of gotten use to them though the tom is still skittish, stubborn and  a big grump. He's layered with many regrets and sadness and this is just a tiny bit info of his background.


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