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Wise and Compassion


Horoscope: Gemini

Symbol: Butterflies

Favorite Color: Light Blue/Lilac

Things They Love: Being with friends, helping other cats or animals, sleeping away and daydreaming. 

Phobias: None

Scars, Deformity: None

Fears: Lizards, snakes, being alone for a long period of time.

Theme song: Here comes a Thought-SU 

Voice: Shep- Character from SU AKA Indya Moore

Quote: "You should try it. Sometimes sleeping in the open can free busy thoughts. Oh, almost forgot. My name is Sleepypaw..kinda ironic, isn't it?"- At Herringpaw.

Name(s): Blue | Sleepypaw| Sleepyfawn

Age: 6 moons

Bio: A small, pale brown maine-coon with milky blue eyes and pink nose. Emily, Sleepy's mother, was a purebred show prize queen who birth the perfect of the bunch every year for her twoleg. Unfortunately, he did not come out that way. Blue, who was named by anonymous cat, came out as a runt and was seen as an inferior. His mother was going to discard him like she has done to many, until a unknown tom decided to take him in. The story is still hazy but he ended up staying in Thunderclan and was renamed Sleepypaw for obvious reasons. Sleepypaw is a quiet tom who speaks eloquently, is rational, and can be a leader figure if he tries hard enough. He hates violence, disliking to take part of feuds and a peace maker. The small tom keeps up with a happy facade yet underneath the mask is troubling emotions.


Mentor: (OPEN)

Mate: (May not happen but it all depends)

Kits: Will never have kits.

Activity: (Not Active)

Where is she now?: Last posted was him meeting Herringpaw! They both had problems sleeping.

Development?: None right now.

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